Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Here are the tracks that I can;t stop listening to right now:

"Daddy's Gone" by GlasVegas
"Geraldine" by GlasVegas
"666 Conducer" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
"Manhattan" by Kings of Leon
"Kim & Jessie" by M83
"Ain't No Reason" by Brett Dennen
"Family Tree" by TV on the Radio
"On the Dancefloor" by Levy
"Quiet Dog" by Mos Def
"Photo Booth" by Sean Na NA

I am cutting my time down on the web. I still prefer myspace. Facebook makes me feel like I just bought a cooike cutter home in the suburbs.

Home is Where You Find it.

Back from New York. Trip was great..for the most part. Valuable time spent with my grandparents in the home where I grew up. Less valuable time spent out carousing the NYC bars. Still trying to figure out how some epole at home seem to be slipping away. You can reach out to people and hope they make good decisions, but what they do is ultimately up to them. We can only attempt to point others in the direction with support and hop that our loved ones offer us advice with our best interests in mind. I could go for one more week in NY, laying low and trying not to over-extend myself.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fright of the Crunkchord

I think that I am in the middle of an era of my life that I will look back on with fond memories. Memories not with others, but by myself, a creative era. I have been writing music and songs and they have been coming to me better than I imagined. Still a ways to go but progress is being made. The only problem is that I feel constricted by time. By this I mean that I only have a few hours a night and only get to a bit each night. My mind is racing and I can think of 20 other things I want to get done here also, but just trying to put my energy into the music. It will come. I will predict that we are 9 months away from studio time and a full album, providing the pace is kept and we can tighten up as a band.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


I said goodbye to my 2004 Scion Xb today, which was my first new car. I enjoyed the 4.5 years driving it and it was [art of many adventures. I bought a 2009 Scion TC today and am happy with it. Pop came shopping with me and I did not expect to be leaving with a new ride.

Otherwise, the creative bug is still with me. I guess it always is, I am just puting it to work. I have been writing music and now have a ton of melodies and lyrics but all seem to be bits and pieces of songs. I will keep plugging away. Back to school Monday. Good things ahead.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Moons over my hammy.

THe new year has officially arrived. I spent a quiet New Year's eve at home, with my grandparents. I hope that everyone will tell me what a rotten night they had and how much money they spent. My road trip with my grandpop was great, San Antonio and Austin and great weather. I wish I had the energy to write more but will be hitting the hay in a minute. May this year be productive and a joyous one.

The year will be what each one of us makes it. Pop says that "you won't believe haw fast it all goes by." I believe him. The time is now. The picture here shows the crescent moon on New Years' Eve, December 31st, 2008. If you look closely, you can see Venus, just to the lower left of the moon. We had ham for dinner. Much better than the Denny's lunch I had yesterday.